<aside> 💡 Pay per usage ⇒ Consumption model, the more you use more you pay. Pay for time (per second) ⇒ Billings stops when the VM is stopped. Pay for bandwidth ⇒ Inbound data is free.
<aside> 💡 Azure functions are a great opportunity for cost savings ⇒ $0.20 per million executions and 1 million executions free per month.
<aside> 💡 Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator ⇒ The cost of a server is more than just the cost of the hardware.
<aside> 💡 Azure Cost Management ⇒ Another free tool inside azure to analyze spending.
<aside> 💡 Attach meta-data to the azure resources, helping with billing and support issues.
<aside> 💡 These are the funds used by a company to acquire, upgrade and maintain physical assets such as servers. Private cloud, on-premise, and the local environment are synonymous.
<aside> 💡 The money a company spends on a day-to-day basis to run its business.